
PHS Heroes
Help Panhandle Humane Society make a difference in the lives of animals by signing up for our Foster Program (PHS Heroes). Animals in our PHS Heroes program are those who are unweaned, underweight, in medical recovery, have behavioral needs, or still nursing. These animals need extra time and nurturing outside of the shelter environment. Foster parents keep these animals in their home and provide feeding assistance and a safe, loving environment until they are old enough or well enough to be adopted out at our shelter.
Being a Hero is as easy as giving your time to an animal in need. We can help provide initial items such as litterboxes, kennels, food, toys, or blankets.
It's as easy as turning in an application to get more information.
How to Become a PHS Hero!
- Fill out and turn in the Foster Application Form.
- Await further information through Email.
- Let us know when you are ready to take home your new foster and enter standby status.
What you will need to do as a Hero.
- Work on basic obedience and socialization.
- Provide a safe, warm, and comfortable environment for your foster animal(s).
- Scheduled Foster Check-ups and Exams.
- Attend Adoption Events as needed.
- Possibility of Bottle Feeding or Medicating.
We can't wait for you to join the Heroes Team!