
21 Dogs seized on March 4, 2024
Posted: Mar 7, 2024
Thank you to our community for all of your messages and requests for how you can help. We are still working through the intakes on the 21 dogs that were seized on March 4 and brought in. There are many ways you can help! Monetary donations are always helpful. If you would prefer to purchase items that we need, we have a...

Rabies 101 - Updated
Posted: Feb 29, 2024
For the purpose of this article, animal refers to a domesticated cat or dog. First and foremost, we would like to emphasize the importance of keeping your animals current on their rabies vaccine. The minimal cost of a rabies vaccination is significantly less expensive than a 10-day quarantine at Panhandle Humane Society ($200...

Pet Food - Give or Receive
Posted: Sep 21, 2023
Our local pet food pantry, Skipper’s Cupboard is no longer in service. We want to thank Skipper’s Cupboard for all that they have done for pet owners in our community. We know that we cannot run a pet food pantry at their scale, but we are wanting to help to the best of our ability. For those that are not aware of h...

Revised Shelter Hours
Posted: Aug 14, 2023
Big changes coming!! PHS has decided to make a change to our open hours. This change is very important to accomplishing our mission, allowing our team to have adequate time for animal care, cleaning, creating enrichment, socializing, and even having playgroups for dogs. If anyone has a surrender appointment, please make ...
Pet Requests
Posted: Dec 12, 2022
Looking for a certain breed that we don't currently have available for adoption? Our adoptable animals are uploaded to Adopt-a-Pet through the database we use. If you can't find the type of animal you are searching for (specific breed, age, size, color, etc.) you can easily set up an alert through Adopt-a-Pet. There are two o...

Rabies 101
Posted: Jun 1, 2022
For the purpose of this article, animal refers to a domesticated cat or dog. First and foremost, we would like to emphasize the importance of keeping your animals current on their rabies vaccine. The minimal cost of a rabies vaccination is significantly less expensive than a 10-day quarantine at Panhandle Humane Society ($200...

Owner claimouts and Microchip owner information
Posted: Jan 26, 2022
Imagine this scenario: a stray dog comes into PHS, we scan it for a microchip and find one. We look up the information on the microchip, and get the owner information. Attempt to contact the owner with no success (number not in service, no answer, and no voicemail, etc.). Another person comes in, looking for their dog, wantin...

Revised services for COVID precautions
Posted: Sep 10, 2021
Due to the increase in COVID cases and in order to keep our customers and employees safe, PHS is implementing the following curbside services starting September 11, 2021:Stray Intakes, Return to Owner, Cremations, Licenses, Microchipping, Donations/Memorials, For adoptions, we encourage you to look on our website first and se...
Pet Scams
Posted: Apr 16, 2021
PHS has received 2 phone calls in the last month for people who have been scammed by someone posing as a Siberian cat breeder. They were both told that the breeder was in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. One avoided paying any money because they called PHS first. The second person, unfortunately, paid for the cat and will most likely n...

Statement Regarding Lost and Found animals
Posted: Apr 5, 2021
A few recent situations have prompted us to get some information out that we feel is very important for the community to know and be aware of. This post is a bit long, however we ask that you read it in its entirety.First, we at PHS want to express our appreciation for everyone in our amazing community who posts about stray a...

Walk/Run to raise money for PHS
Posted: Mar 5, 2021
Take a walk and help the animals!ResQwalk is a free mobile app that lets you raise money and resources for your favorite animal welfare organization, and all you have to do is walk! You don't have to walk a dog, you can use it when you are walking, running, or even hiking. Throughout the year, we'll announce a ResQp...

Behind the scenes - Dog Impound
Posted: Feb 19, 2021
Even though some people joke and call our shelter "doggie jail", we like to think of it more like a hotel. We have kennels set up in our dog impound area, ready at all times for our guests. They get a cozy blanket, toys and a few treats, plus a bowl of water. These kennels are sanitized between guests. During their stay, dogs...

Tails of Joy!
Posted: Feb 17, 2021 Updated:Jan 30, 2023
Did you know that you can now add your own Tail of Joy to our website? To do this, simply click Sign Up at the upper right hand corner of the page. Fill in your information along with a password. Once you receive an email to confirm your registration, you can login and click "Post Your Pet Story". Add a picture along with a "...