Statement Regarding Lost and Found animals
Posted: Apr 5, 2021

A few recent situations have prompted us to get some information out that we feel is very important for the community to know and be aware of. This post is a bit long, however we ask that you read it in its entirety.
First, we at PHS want to express our appreciation for everyone in our amazing community who posts about stray animals, found animals, and make extraordinary efforts to get those animals reunited with their owners. You all were instrumental in 2020 in the height of COVID when we had to limit our stray intakes. We could not have done it without all of you and we thank you for all of your help!!
PHS is still the preferred place to bring stray animals. We have a lot of resources at our disposal and we do strive to reunite strays with their owners. We monitor the lost and found groups on Facebook and see people who offer to take a stray into their home. While we appreciate the intent of their offer, it is not an ideal situation. The shelter is not a terrible place for strays to come! PHS staff takes great care of the animals that come through our doors. They are motivated by their love of animals.
When someone takes an animal into their home that does not belong to them, it can make reuniting the pet with their owner very difficult. The best solution for finding a lost animal is to bring them to PHS. We do an intake on stray animals and hold them for 3 business days before making them available for adoption. If an animal is microchipped we make multiple attempts to contact the owner registered on the chip. If the animal is not returned to their owner then we spay or neuter them and make them available for adoption.
The other very important information we want to put out there is that PHS is the only animal shelter in Scotts Bluff County. There are other rescues that do great work, but regarding taking in strays we are it. PHS does not have affiliates in the area, overflow kennels or homes. No PHS Employee will ever come to a person’s house to pick up an animal. PHS does not foster out healthy, adoptable animals, and if we do, the animal has to be at the shelter first for the intake. Any fosters that take place will have the foster person coming in to the shelter to sign paperwork and pick up the animal. If anyone states that they are from the Humane Society we advise you to question them. In addition, the Humane Society of the United States “is neither an animal shelter nor a parent organization for local humane societies, animal shelters, or animal care and control agencies. Each of these is an independent organization governed by its own bylaws and board of directors or by local ordinances and officials.” This is directly from HSUS’s membership and donor care representative.
Last but not least, if you find a stray animal after hours, you can contact Communications at 632-7176 and a police officer can take the stray animal into PHS. The animal will have a safe, warm place to stay overnight with a bowl of water, a few treats and some toys until staff comes in the morning.